Thursday 10 November 2011


Drug  abuse is not a new issues  but this cases nowadays become more widespread, especially in Malaysia. As we know,  a drug  are chemicals is any substance, solid, liquid or gas that change the way a person’s body works and the brain functions.

There are many different types of drugs you should be aware of. some are prescribed, others are known as club drugs, illicit or illegal substances and some are called designers drugs. They include antidepressants, barbituretes, cannabis, depressants, hallucinogens, inhalants, narcotics, steroids, stimulants and tobacco.

The drugs abuse have an effect. The effects of a drug depend on the type of drug and a range of personal and environmental factors. Usually, the person who try the drug have their reason. Almost because of their problems like family or relationship problems, problems at work or school, accidents, legal problems,financial problems and health problems.

When a person use a lot of drugs, it is can give a big impact on our health, our relations with our surrounding, society and our country also received it. So, if you have thinking want to try drug, beware.

To prevent the drugs cases in Malaysia, society and government should work together and the important role is coming from parents how they take care their children.

The effect of drugs abuse

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