Saturday 12 November 2011


Hai guys..

Are looking for an inexpensive way to update your fashion? I also sale accessories related to pearl. I has a sensible multi-colored pearls.

Check it out with my bracelets,necklaces,ring and earing.

If you interest in an item,please email me and let me know which item(s)you want at or just call me  0139374866. Be sure to include your address in the email if you want it shipped to you. I am charging a flat RM4 for shipping. If you want to pay, I only accept cash and through my paypal account.
Now let’s get to shopping! =)

                             Simple cyrstal  ori Pearl bracelet
                                   Price:Rm 20.00
                                  Color: Green,white,black,,purple

                           Multi-color Ori design pearl bracelet
                                   Price :Rm25.00
                                  Color: Any color.Just choose the two 
                                                                          colors only.
                              Marbel Love Ori Pearl Bracelet
                                    Color:Choose any color. 
                         Marble Love:Black,White,red,pink,purple

Crystal pearl bracelet 
                                      price:Rm 20.00
                        Color crystal: have all Colors.Choose one.

Marble love pearl (more color) 

                                         Pearl bracelet
                                            Pearl necklace
                                           Pearl necklace
                              crystal ori pearl necklace (short type)
                                           Ori Pearl Earing

                                             Ori pearl ring

Thursday 10 November 2011


Drug  abuse is not a new issues  but this cases nowadays become more widespread, especially in Malaysia. As we know,  a drug  are chemicals is any substance, solid, liquid or gas that change the way a person’s body works and the brain functions.

There are many different types of drugs you should be aware of. some are prescribed, others are known as club drugs, illicit or illegal substances and some are called designers drugs. They include antidepressants, barbituretes, cannabis, depressants, hallucinogens, inhalants, narcotics, steroids, stimulants and tobacco.

The drugs abuse have an effect. The effects of a drug depend on the type of drug and a range of personal and environmental factors. Usually, the person who try the drug have their reason. Almost because of their problems like family or relationship problems, problems at work or school, accidents, legal problems,financial problems and health problems.

When a person use a lot of drugs, it is can give a big impact on our health, our relations with our surrounding, society and our country also received it. So, if you have thinking want to try drug, beware.

To prevent the drugs cases in Malaysia, society and government should work together and the important role is coming from parents how they take care their children.

The effect of drugs abuse

Wednesday 9 November 2011

~ e-commerce~

Malaysians more open to e-commerce – Yahoo Net Study

Generation-Y would best identify with this brand during their teens and this global digital content provider still remains a favorite for many, across all genders, age, social status and countries. Adding zest by engaging users with localised content and improved features, Yahoo! has come a long way and the company continues to innovate to revolutionise the Internet landscape. Recently at an event in KL, Yahoo! Malaysia invited the media to witness some key findings in the online trends of Malaysians. The findings give marketers an opportunity to tap on potential customer base and also for users to obtain the content they want at their fingertips. “With the evolution of Malaysia’s digital landscape, marketers need to realign their strategies based on the changing online dynamics. Yahoo!’s Net Index study provides in-depth consumer insights that help marketers to craft meaningful strategies to drive real results and engage with consumers better,” says Jon Tjin, Yahoo! Malaysia Country Ambassador.

Social networking is the most popular online activity among Malaysians at 90-percent of which a majority of the people they engage with are people they know such as family and friends. Being the most ‘social’ in the region, there is a trend where young Malaysians are the most active users but there is a rise in other age groups as well. With the proliferation of smartphones, there is a spike in mobile Internet usage as well.

Yahoo!’s Net Index study by Synovate is done annually to find out what makes netizens tick and learn the behaviours of the user for targeted content. The study also revealed an increase of interest in online deal aggregation and group buying sites. Malaysians are more open to e-commerce compared to before and are comfortable using their credit card as a choice payment method.


This article is related to the e-commerce.  The article said that nowadays,Malaysians prefers use e-commerce. This is shows based on the study  by Yahoo!’s Net Index which revealed an increase of interest in online deal aggregation and group buying sites.  E-commerce describes the process of buying, selling, transferring or exchange products, services or information via computer networks, including the internet. There have are several type of e-commerce,for example:

1)Business-to-consumer(B2C)-In B2C,The sellers are organization and the buyers are individual.

2) Business-to-Business(B2B)-In B2B,transactions,both the sellers and the buyers are business organizations.

3) Consumer-to-Business(C2B)-In C2B consumers(individuals) offer products and services to companies and the companies pay them.

~supply and demand~

Gasoline: Supply and Demand

Gasoline has exceeded or approached $5.00 per gallon in some parts of the United States long before the normal peak travel season has begun.  Already the politicians, headline writers, and some cable and talk show pundits are pointing to the usual suspects.  But they have avoided or are unaware of where the fault actually lies.

One of the foundational tenets of economics is what is known as the law of supply and demand.  Normally whenever a product or commodity is in short supply the cost to acquire it increases; on the other hand, if there is a glut on the market the price decreases.  However, over the past three years, thanks to the profligate fiscal policy of the Obama administration and the Democrats in Congress combined with the money creating monetary policy of the Federal Reserve, this law has been turned on its head.

There are two commodities deeply affected: the first is oil, which is a basic modern day necessity; and the second is gold, which has always been a safe haven against economic downturns that reflect this upside down world.

The fluctuations in the price of oil have been primarily demand-driven, and to a lesser degree impacted by world conditions which is reflected in supply.  Since 2003 world oil production has maintained the following relationship with global oil consumption.
 Average Price per Barrel (adjusted for inflation)

As a general rule, the above table follows the anticipated supply and demand equation (with slight variations due to political or weather instability etc).  That is until the present, where the correlation is completely thrown out the window.  Despite the ongoing stalemate in Libya and general unrest in the Middle East, supply is keeping up with demand.  This was underscored by the Oil Minister of Saudi Arabia when he recently announced that the Saudis were cutting production by 700,000 barrels per day due to "market oversupply."

While it is always fashionable and populist to blame the "speculators" and oil companies, those entities are fully aware of the supply situation and would not be taking undue risk when a futures contract in that market situation could easily backfire on them.  But they are also aware that another factor has come into play.  That is the wholesale creation of money by the Federal Reserve in response to the massive deficits run up by Washington D.C.  In reality these are quixotic attempts by both entities to jump start the US economy.  Their most significant accomplishment in doing so is to enrich Wall Street and the huge financial institutions deemed "to big to fail" at the expense of the American people.

Oil, as are all worldwide commodities, is denominated in US dollars.  The dollar is also the world's reserve currency.  What happens in the corridors of power on the banks of the Potomac has an immediate and potentially devastating impact on the rest of the world. 

Gold, which has been considered a safe haven and hedge against not only inflation but the follies of an unrestrained government, reflects more dramatically than any other commodity the effect of Federal Reserve policy.  During 2007 the average price of an ounce of gold was $695.00 an ounce.  In the past week the price has hit $1,509.00, more than double the 2007 price or increased by a factor of 117%. 

It is no coincidence that during this same period the Balance Sheet of the Federal Reserve showed assets of $825 Billion throughout 2007; however today it exceeds $2.7 Trillion, a phenomenal increase of 223% or more than triple.  Of the $1.8 Trillion increase is $1.4 Trillion of US Treasury debt that the Fed bought and in essence printed money to do so.  This has flooded the marketplace with US currency and driven up commodity prices across the board.  Additionally this tsunami of greenbacks has created massive problems for emerging countries as the influx of dollars looking for higher returns has overwhelmed their economies, triggering inflation and currency and exchange rate problems around the world.

The Fed, in league with the federal government, chose this course of action in order to underwrite the ongoing crippling deficit by buying the bonds of the US Treasury, which had to be offered as the result of fiscal policies that were supposed to stimulate the economy.  The Fed justified their actions by claiming this program, also known as quantitative easing, would make more money available for borrowing by the private sector.  It has done neither.  Instead it has sown the seeds for stagflation (high unemployment coupled with high inflation).

This article is related to demand and supply. Demand is the quantity of a good or service that buyers are willing and able to purchase at different prices in a period of time in a given market holding non-price factors constant. The law of demand states that there is an inverse or negative relationship between the price of a good and the quantity buyers are willing to buy.For example,if  a product’s price(oil and gold) increases,ceteris paribus,the quantity demanded for the good will fall. And vice versaWhile,supply refers to the quantity of a good that is offered for a sale at all possible.The law of supply refers to the principle that there is a direct relationship between the price of a good and the quantity sellers are willing to offer for sale sale in a given market,ceteris peribus. For example,if the product’s price (oil and gold) increases, ceteris paribus ,the quantity supplied for the good will increase.

Tuesday 8 November 2011

The Harvest Festival @ Tadau Kaamatan

Every year, I will celebrate the Harvest Festival or locally called ‘Tadau Kaamatan’ .

The Harvest Festival is the largest festival for the Kadazandusun and other tribes of Sabah. Held on the 30th  and 31th of May every year, it marks the coming together of the tribes of Borneo in celebration. The most easily-recognizable features of this celebration is the general merry-making, cultural performances, tradisional sports and of course, the Unduk Ngadau  (Harvest Festival Queen) Pageant.

The Kaamatan Festival is an annual event in the cultural of the Kadazandusun of Sabah since time immemorial. They give thanks to the gods and spirits for blessings ana a good paddy harvest asking for guidences.
During this Harvest Festival, Sabah natives wear their traditional costumes and enjoy the festival. ‘Tapai’ as their home made rice wine is called, is freely served during the festivities.
‘Tadau Kaamatan’ also known as ‘Magavau’ in Kadazan language.There have a lot of words according to the dialect and location of the Kadazan tribes. However, it is still carries the same meaning.

According to oral tradition, Kinoingan(God) and his wife Suminundu had a daughter named Huminodun. To save Kadazandusun people from starvation for not having enough food, then Kinoingan had to sacrifice their beloved child Huminodun.  Huminodun killed and his body was buried according the their custom. Unenxpected, the body Huminodun has produced a wide variety of plants that the main food for us now. One of the seeds of the plant is rice. As part of the body  is producing paddy seeds, then their belief that the rice has a spirits,which name ‘Bambazon’.

Starting,from this incident of the ceremony, Kadazandusun people started the  ‘Kaamatan Festival’ (Harvest Festival ) as a celebration today.This celebration hopes that things will improve and lucrative future. The ceremony honoring the spirit of paddy rice that is harvested and has survived over into ketawai (Tangkob) of the former place to store rice.Beside, the Harvest Festival also remains the Kadazandisun of appreciation and respect with the creator(Kinoingan) who are willing to sacrifice his beloved son Huminodun to save his men to not starve to death.

Have you ever heard about  the ‘Unduk Ngadau’? Based on the Huminodun story, to this day, the Kadazandusun people have included the Unduk Nagadau Pageant as a grand part of their Kaamatan Festival. The term 'unduk ngadau' or 'tunduk' literally means the shoot of plant, which in it most tangible description, signifies youth  and progressiveness .  Likewise, in its literal meaning ‘Ngadau' or 'Tadau' means the sun ,which connotes the total beauty of the heart, mind and body of an ideal Kadazandusun woman. In essence therefore the 'Unduk Ngadau' is a process event of selecting from among the Kadazandusun beauties, one who would resemble the ascribe personality of 

                               Huminodun saved            Her spirit dwelt in the paddy
                                   her people
                                          Unduk Ngadau competition

                                   The winner of Unduk Ngadau Final 2011
                                              Winner: Bio Tiza A. Disimon(Penampang)
                                        1strunner up:Jovenea Jim (Tamparuli)
                                       2ndrunner up: Caroline Anthony (Tuaran) 

                                                             Kadazandusun girls

                                                      Tradisional dance 'Sumazau'

Monday 7 November 2011


I am kadazanDusun.  Have you ever heard about the Kadazan Dusun.kadazanDusun is a unique culture in Sabah. In this blog, I will tell you a little bit about kadazanDusun people.

The Kadazan-Dusun are an ethnic group indigenous to the state of Sabah in Malaysia. Kadazan-Dusun term emerged from the merger Kadazan and Dusun ethnic. This merger is a result of the conflict  politic.  The Kadazan and the Dusun is not really different. The different between them is only the language just like  the Malay language and the Indonesia language. Kadazandusun uses a lot of dialect with many culture and tradition.

Kadazandusun consist  of forty of ethnic Dusun and Kadazan such as ‘Dusun Tindal’, ‘Dusun Lotud’, ‘Dusun Liwan’ ,’Rungus’ and ‘Orang Sungai’.This group living mainly in the west,inland and east cost in Sabah.For example, Tamparuli,Tuaran,Ranau and Penampang.Although,this group live in a different territorial division,their do not have any communication problems because they share same characteristic of culture based on their heritage.

I will tell you how to identify Kadazan or Dusun if you come to Sabah next time. We can identify Kadazan and Dusun based on their geographical residence. Kadazan,usually living in delta land and slopes which are suitable for rice farming like in Penampang while, Dusun living in hilly and mountainous in the inland of Sabah.

If you come to Sabah,do not forget to visit ‘Monsopiad Cultural Village’  in the district of Penampang and is located just outside in Kota Kinabalu  which based on the Legend of Monsopiad a reknown warrior/headhunter of the Kadazandusun people.You cannot say that you have been to Sabah if you did not pay a visit to this historical side. The village can give you a lot of information for the cultural,historical and natural heritage of the Kadazandusun people.

                                                      Sabah Map

various ethnic 

 Dusun Lotud 


                              sumandak kadazandusun(kadazandusun girl)

Sompoton(tradisional music)
      Tagung (also one of the music instruments)



                                                         Bambangan Nonsom                            Tuhau
                                                                                      Tradisional foods
                                      Entrance to Monsopiad Cultural Village
                                 The skull at Monsopiad Culture Village